Join us as we welcome back world-renowned lecturer, author and tour guide Rabbi Ken Spiro. We will have a community dinner with a talk at Aish Friday night, more lectures on Shabbat day, followed by a special Saturday-night post-Shabbat program (known as a Melaveh Malka) at the Bender JCC.
A Weekend of Wisdom with Rabbi Ken Spiro
Date: November 2nd-3rd
Location: The Aish Center
Time: See flyer
Cost for Dinner: See below
Catering graciously provided by CharBar!
Individual Seats:
Adult Members: $40
Child Members (12 and under): Free
Adult Non-Members: $50
Child Non-Members (6-12): $10
Child Non-Members (under 6): Free
Platinum Sponsorship: $1,000
10 Tickets to Dinner
Signed copies of Ken Spiro’s 3 books
Invitation to Saturday Lunch with Ken Spiro
Dinner Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor
Recognition Saturday as a Shabbat Sponsor
Gold Sponsorship: $580
6 Tickets to Dinner
Signed copies of Ken Spiro’s 3 books
Invitation to Saturday Lunch with Ken Spiro
Dinner Recognition as a Gold Sponsor
Recognition Saturday as a Shabbat Sponsor
Silver Sponsorship: $380
4 Tickets to Dinner
Signed copy of Ken Spiro’s newest book, Destiny
Dinner Recognition as Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsorship: $180
2 Tickets to Dinner
Dinner Recognition as Bronze Sponsor
Table Sponsorship: $400
8 Tickets
Your name on Table reserved for your guests only
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