(301) 881 9010
11418 Old Georgetown Road


The Aish Center is Open for Shabbat

We have an informal kids’ program, as well.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Shabbat services, contact us at office@aishdc.org or 301-881-9010.

Schedule for Shabbat, Parshat Balak

14 Tamuz 5784 / July 19-July 20, 2024

The fast of the 17th of Tammuz is Tuesday.

6:40pm Mincha (Afternoon) and Kabbalat Shabbat services
7:15 pm A Torah Thought (time is approximate)
7:30 pm Maariv (Evening) Service for Shabbat (time is approximate)
8:12pm        Candle Lighting
9:00 am Shacharit (Morning) Service
11:15 am Moses, Bilaam, Trump, Biden and the Donkey: Who’s Who? Rabbi Steve Baars
11:55 am Shabbat morning prayers for Israel
12:05 pm     Kiddush
7:00pm Finding Our Faith: Lessons from “Living Emuna” Aharon (Andy) Boltax
7:55pm Mincha (Afternoon) Service
8:20pm Festive, song-filled Third Meal of Shabbat (time is approximate)
9:17pm Maariv Service; end of Shabbat

Sponsor a Kiddush or Third Meal for Shabbat.