(301) 881 9010
11418 Old Georgetown Road


Become a part of the Aish family today!

Aish is a Jewish Learning Center, a Synagogue and so much more. By renewing or becoming a member, you enable us to offer more for you, your family and the community. Whether you participate in our programs all year long, only on occasion, or if you just like what we do, we hope you will consider joining us or renewing your membership. Scroll down to see our options below.

We do not turn anyone away because of finances. If you are interested in Aish membership but need a reduced dues package, please contact our treasurer, Erik Lindenauer, at treasurer@aishdc.org, and he will work out a suitable arrangement for you in a confidential and dignified manner.

Single and Family Membership Benefits:

  • Free classes year round
  • High Holiday tickets included
  • Use of Aish Center for events & meetings
  • Member rates for special programs
  • Announcements in weekly community bulletin
  • Premier: Class & shabbaton dedications included


$12,000/year ($1,000/month)*

Dedication of
1 Shabbaton

Dedication of
1 Class Series

15 Kiddush sponsorships

VIP seating for Community Shabbat dinners

Use of Aish Center for meetings & events


$6,000/year ($500/month)*

Dedication of
1 Class Series

8 Kiddush sponsorships

VIP seating for Community Shabbat dinners

Use of Aish Center for meetings & events


$3,000/year ($250/month)*

Dedications of 2 Challah Bakes & 2 Single Classes

4 Kiddush sponsorships

Use of Aish Center for meetings & events


$1,800/year ($150/month)*

Dedications of 1 Challah Bake & 1 Single Class

2 Kiddush sponsorships

Use of Aish Center for meetings & events


$1,140/year ($95/month)*

1 Kiddush sponsorship

Use of Aish Center for meetings & events

Young Family

$900/year ($75/month)*

Head of household is under age 35

1 Kiddush sponsorship

Use of Aish Center for meetings & events


$960/year ($80/month)*

Individual is age 35 or older

1 Kiddush sponsorship

Use of Aish Center for meetings & events

Young Single

$720/year ($60/month)*

Individual is under age 35

1 Kiddush sponsorship

Use of Aish Center for meetings & events

Already a member of a synagogue but like what we do and want to be our partner? Become an Associate Member!

The Building-Maintenance Fee and free use of the Aish Center for events and meetings do not apply to the Associate membership category.

Please note: This category is specifically for those who are members of a synagogue in the Greater Washington area or in Israel.


$55/month ($660/year)


$40/month ($480/year)

*-All memberships except Associate category will have an additional $25-per-month ($300-per-year) Building-Maintenance Fee added.

Because of the 2017 tax law, please consult your tax advisor regarding the tax deductibility of membership fees.