Join Aish for insightful classes, inspiring prayer services and the warm of a welcoming community. We welcome Rabbi Hershel Lutch for featured classes on both Saturday mornings, also feature Amanda Boltax and Aharon (Andy) Boltax.
Last Days of Passover 2019
Dates: Thursday, April 25th – Saturday, April 27th
Location: The Aish Center
Times: See below for classes and services (printable PDF here)
Cost: Free!
Schedule for Last Days:
Thursday, April 25th: Erev Yom Tov
Candle Lighting: 7:37 pm; also light a flame that will last until Friday night
7:30 pm Mincha (Afternoon) Service
7:45 pm Dvar Torah
7:55 pm Maariv (Evening) Service
Friday morning, April 26th:
Shvi’i Shel Pesach (Seventh Day of Passover)
9:00 am Shacharit (Morning) Service with song-filled Hallel
10:45 am Pre-Mussaf Schmooze Aharon (Andy) Boltax
11:00 am Mussaf (Additional) Service for Pesach (time is approximate)
Friday evening: End First Day of Yom Tov;
start of Shabbat and Second Day of Yom Tov
Candle Lighting: 7:38 pm or later; light from a flame that burned from before Yom Tov
7:30 pm Mincha (Afternoon) Service
7:45 pm Dvar Torah
7:56 pm Maariv (Evening) Service
Saturday morning, April 27th: Classes
8:15 am Mussar Study Group (upstairs)
11:00 am Redemption Awaits: Mashiach and the Eighth Day of Passover Amanda Boltax (downstairs after Yizkor)
11:35 am Looking Ahead: The Journey to Shavuot and Beyond Rabbi Hershel Lutch (downstairs)
Saturday morning Services
9:00 am Shacharit (Morning) Service with song-filled Hallel
10:40 am Yizkor (Memorial) Service (upstairs; time is approximate)
11:00 am Mussaf (Additional) Service for Shabbat and Pesach (upstairs)
Saturday evening: End of Shabbat and Yom Tov
7:25 pm Mincha (Afternoon) Service
8:41 pm Maariv (Evening) Service; end of Shabbat and Yom Tov
10:00 pm Earliest time that Chametz sold over Pesach can be eaten

Rabbi Hershel Lutch is a sought-after lecturer, passionate teacher, and experienced Jewish communal leader.
Rabbi Lutch served as COO (North America) of Aish HaTorah from 2013 to 2018, where he helped managed Aish’s dramatic growth into a $65M organization, engaging over 700,000 participants each year.
Active in multiple advocacy efforts for the Jewish community, Rabbi Lutch has successfully lobbied for various Jewish interests, led a leadership mission to Israel with Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), and has served as Guest Chaplain in the U.S. House of Representatives.
In recent years, Rabbi Lutch has been a welcome addition to the Aish Greater Washington speaking lineup for the High Holidays. His thoughtful, intelligent talks have been both highly anticipated and extremely well received.
Rabbi Lutch’s Judaic articles and opinion pieces have been published in various journals and media in the United States and Israel.
A native Bostonian, Rabbi Lutch lives in Baltimore with his wife and their three children.
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