(301) 881 9010
11418 Old Georgetown Road

Tisha B'Av (Ninth of Av)

Please join us at the end of Shabbat on August 10th and again on Sunday, August 11th, for special programming for the fast of the Ninth of Av. Hear from Rabbi Baruch Frankel and view a special Project Inspire film about the life of Rabbi Noach Weinberg, the founder of Aish HaTorah.

Date:  August  10th-11th
Location:  The Aish Center, 11418 Old Georgetown Road, North Bethesda, MD 20852.
Times:  See below.
Cost:  Saturday night is free; Sunday morning, $10 suggested donation to Project Inspire (cash or check).

Full Schedule:

Saturday Night, August 10th

8:10 pm: Sundown; the fast begins

8:54 pm: End of Shabbat

9:30 pm: Maariv (Evening) Service with reading of Eicha (Lamentations) and Kinnot (elligies) for the day with explanatory introductions from Rabbi Baruch Frankel and others.

Sunday morning, August 11th

8:30 am: Shacharit (Morning) Service with Kinnot (elligies) accompanied by explanatory introductions from Rabbi Baruch Frankel, Rabbi Stephen Baars, Rabbi Dovid Baars and Rabbi Shmueli Kott.

Please note: Tallit and tefillin are not worn at Shacharit.

10:45 am: The Power of One, a film by Project Inspire about the life of Rabbi Noach Weinberg zt”l, founder of Aish HaTorah.

Sunday afternoon/evening

7:25 pm: Mincha (Afternoon) Service with Torah reading. With tallit and tefillin.

8:10 pm: Maariv Service

8:53 pm: Fast ends

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Questions? Contact info@aishdc.org