We do not turn anyone away because of finances. If you're interested in Aish membership but need reduced dues, please contact our treasurer
Erik Lindenauer and he will work out a suitable arrangement with you in a confidential and dignified manner.
All plans except in the Associate category include a $300 fee for security and building maintenance.
That's GREAT! We look forward to seeing you. Please let us know how many are planning to join for our programs. If you're not certain, then please make your best guess.
Rosh Hashanah, 1st Night
(Wednesday evening, Oct. 2nd)
Rosh Hashanah, 1st Day
(Thursday morning, Oct. 3rd)
Rosh Hashanah, 2nd Night
(Thursday evening, Oct. 3rd)
Rosh Hashanah, 2nd Day
(Friday morning, Oct. 4th)
Yom Kippur, Night
Kol Nidre
(Friday evening, Oct. 11th)
Yom Kippur, Day
(Saturday morning & afternoon, Oct. 12th)
Yom Kippur, Conclusion
(Saturday evening, Oct. 12th)
Please make your check payable to Aish Greater Washington. Mail it at your earliest convenience to 11418 Old Georgetown Road, Rockville, MD 20852.